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VIP Top of the Rock Pass

Elevate your visit with an exclusive VIP guided tour of Top of the Rock Observation Deck, featuring expedited entry and priority elevator access.
Dive into the thrill of 'The Beam' experience, sip on a complimentary treat at our Weather Room Café & Bar, capture memories with our Photo Pass, and don't miss out on a fantastic 20% discount at our newly redesigned Gift Shop.

Offered languages: English


Begin your experience at our VIP Lounge and, from there, embark on a special guided tour of Top of the Rock Observation Deck where expedited entry and priority elevator access await you for a swift ascent to the top.

Your journey kicks off with "The Beam," a one-of-a-kind experience inspired by the iconic 1932 photograph of ironworkers enjoying a meal perched atop a steel beam during the construction of 30 Rockefeller Plaza. You'll be securely seated on a rotating beam-like structure, allowing you to ascend high above the magnificent skyline of Manhattan and relive this legendary moment in the city's history.

Take home unforgettable memories of your visit, through our included Photo Pass. Plus, don't forget to enjoy a complimentary treat at The Weather Room Café & Bar and explore our newly revamped Gift Shop, where you can enjoy a generous 20% discount, the perfect way to conclude your fantastic journey.

Tours are available in English.

Venue address

Rockefeller Center
Rockefeller Center, Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY, USA
Product map